• “Thank you Katherine for all of your sweet instruction. There’s something so comforting about turning that screen on and seeing an old friend on Friday mornings! In a world of so much change, it’s nice to have a pleasant relationship, and community, from past years still be a part of my life even though you are geographically far away.”

    - Susan

  • "It was with you that I first got a taste of the sweetness that comes with not just the physical practice of yoga, but with the meaning behind the poses, and the philosophy of the practice as well. Yoga has helped guide me through difficult times as well as helping me to navigate and explore the unknown without fear or trepidation. "

    – Suzi

  • "Your studio was an oasis and a savior during some very difficult days for me. I never left a class, in person or virtually, without feeling fulfilled and invigorated. Your bright light will not be extinguished by the studio closing, and I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the future. I am so grateful to have met you and to have had the privilege of learning from you. Thank you for providing a safe and healing space for me. With much love and gratitude."

    – Courtney

  • "I hold such a special place in my heart for you. You are someone I look up to as a person, a mother, a teacher, a supportive friend, a mentor, a healer, a business woman, a community leader and so much more. You have created and sustained a home for a deeply imbedded spiritual community for a very long time. It is so appreciated. I have grown in so many ways through my experiences at Karma. My life is richer for it and the hard, difficult times softened by the support of my practices (many which have been learned at Karma) and the kindness and strength of such an amazing community that you absolutely fostered. From your belief in wanting your teachers to be their authentic selves, to your love, wisdom and guidance to your welcome warmth you head a community that is so incredibly healing. Thank you."

    – Stacey